Browsing: chapmantripp


The rapid development of AI technologies has far-reaching implications for New Zealand says Chapman Tripp Partner Bruce McClintock, and we should start preparing for them now CEO Jeff Bezos recently observed that we’re at the earliest days of artificial intelligence and the influence it will have: “It’s hard to overstate how big of an impact it’s going to have on society over the next 20 years”. Continue →

The potential efficiencies of new technology could lead to further growth for New Zealand’s booming construction sector, Chapman Tripp Partner Brian Clayton believes Last year a 57-storey building in China took only 19 days to complete thanks to Artificial Intelligence (AI) – computer systems that perform tasks traditionally performed by people. Continue →
Training & Management

Nineteen-year-old rubbish collector Jane Devonshire died on 10 August 2015 when the truck she was working on crashed down a bank after its brakes failed The legal consequences which have flowed from this case demonstrate the particular health and safety management risks in multiple-contractor worksites, say Garth Gallaway and Marie Wisker. Continue →